0006 Chickened out of Insanity: but Trying Pilates at Home


Ofcourse I am to lazy to keep my new year’s resolution as always. I had set my mind to giving Insanity another try but I had a terrible experience with how demanding it was the first time I failed at it.



So that gave me tons of motivation. But not enough so I chickened out.

Don’t get me wrong. I love Insanity! I saw real results. I really wanted to complete that program because it was really challenging. Somehow, the frustration I was getting when I felt tired makes me feel that being fit is too much for me.

So I have been searching for other workout routine that will be less demanding. I just want to give myself a kickstart before I do Insanity again. I searched for 30 days challenge routines online. I tried doing the 30th day of each challenge I find so It will give me an idea if will be too easy or too difficult for me. Because when you watch workout routines, they may look easy but when you actually do them, you can really gauge it.

At first I looked into 30 Days of Yoga . It wasn’t bad . I am sure that it will also be physically challenging. Each video was about 30 minutes and I think I can be equally tired with something more difficult in just 15 minutes. So I found 30 Day Pilates Body Challenge.

With this I have no excuse anymore. It is low intensity but not too boring for me. and it is only 10 MINUTES A DAY. I can literally roll out from sleeping and turn on the TV to do this as my morning stretch. I completed day 1 tonight and that 10 minutes surprisingly gave mg legs some burn.

0005: It is Finally Winter in Tokyo


My student showed me the first day of winter in Tokyo today through his bedroom window. And I felt like I kid so I had to blog it. I had another moment of realization that I know I can experience real winter someday. I know I can. I felt the same feeling I had when my husband’s family started to believe and encourage me to start a real career. It was the same feeling that I felt when I got affirmations from my mom after talking about it with her. This is a very ambitious dream right now, but this simple and little reminders motivate me steps by step.

0004: Birthday depression (Am I crazy?)

Sam Ballardini animation cute illustration birthday

It’s not my birthday yet, but I have been thinking.

For my past eight years, I have been feeling sad and disappointed on all my birthdays. And this was all me. This is always the time, I regret things I shouldn’t have done. I regret not pushing myself to do the best that I can. I regret not being the best person for the people I love. It is always the season of guilt trip for me.  Continue reading

Don’t Mistake Feelings for Facts — Notes From a Red Pill Girl

A common error I see women make in relationships and other areas of life is mistaking emotions as facts. Facts are truths that don’t change, stand up to scrutiny, and are widely understood. Emotions are feelings which are transient, often don’t stand up to reasoning, and differ from person to person. When you are upset, […]

via Don’t Mistake Feelings for Facts — Notes From a Red Pill Girl

0001: A little time off

Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival dancing tgif bonnaroo positivity

By saying time-off, it is not just about from work. Today I have gained a degree of time-off from worrying too much after the longest time.

I got a little more consistent with my work schedule for the past two weeks. HOORAY!! This is especially a challenge since I am working freelance and 100% schedule flexibility is given. You probably will not imagine how happy I am with that. I have been working freelance for 1 year now but we find and lose nannies here and there, internet is crappy sometimes, I can choose to not work when I feel sick. I even stop working when I get into fights with my husband or when I feel depressed about so many things.

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INSANITY Workout Program: Lazy Excuses Why I Stopped (AND GOT BACK!!)

asian people asian women ming na wen asianpeople brag
I told you so… -So that’s what I imagine devoted haters feel once they know that I stopped this workout program. Guess what?! You’re late! I already knew that when I started. LOL

I’m just plain lazy with some issues with commitment. The only commitments I have been good at so far  is my marriage and my parenting. Ofcourse I can come up with an endless list why I stopped but I WAS JUST PLAIN LAZY!

First, the TV I was using in the living room decided to stop working when I started playing the Plyometrics workout.

It is working now, but it refuses to play things from hard drives unpredictably. The other TV on the bedroom cannot play hard drives at all. And my office has even no space for a proper push-up! So what should a lazy girl do? Continue reading