INSANITY Workout Program: Lazy Excuses Why I Stopped (AND GOT BACK!!)

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I told you so… -So that’s what I imagine devoted haters feel once they know that I stopped this workout program. Guess what?! You’re late! I already knew that when I started. LOL

I’m just plain lazy with some issues with commitment. The only commitments I have been good at so far  is my marriage and my parenting. Ofcourse I can come up with an endless list why I stopped but I WAS JUST PLAIN LAZY!

First, the TV I was using in the living room decided to stop working when I started playing the Plyometrics workout.

It is working now, but it refuses to play things from hard drives unpredictably. The other TV on the bedroom cannot play hard drives at all. And my office has even no space for a proper push-up! So what should a lazy girl do?  OFCOURSE, JUST BE LAZY!

Second, I don’t have any energy left for my work anymore. And this work is homebase! Imagine how much energy this Insanity is taking from me. It’s either I get sleepy while talking to my students or I cancel my open schedule if no one booked it yet. And I don’t get paid if I don’t work. I want to lose weight but not by starving due to poverty. I’m still not getting the balance of everything after adding this to my nonexistent routine.

Lastly, I have a very poor eating habits. Food in our house are not really unhealthy but I just don’t eat much often. It is recommended to eat small frequent meals to train your metabolism. But I have a habit of letting 8 hours past without eating and binge on the 10th hour. I don’t want to have a separate food prepared for myself just to have more energy for this. I’m a broke girl and I cannot afford that!


I am using my PC to play the workouts now. I am just gonna try to move the furniture in the office to make it work. I just picked-up from where I left of. So today, I got back on Week 3 Day 2. I am not even bothering to restart from the beginning. It will definitely affect the results negatively, but doing something is better than not doing anything at all.


Disclaimer: This is posted for the purpose of self-accountability and self-motivation. If it inspires and if I hear about the same weight loss journey, I would love that too.

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